Mosman Public School

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Our Sustainable School

At Mosman Public, we seek to empower our students with the skills and knowledge they will need to help keep our current and future world a healthy, sustainable and wonderful place.

Our vision is to be a school that inspires sustainablility within our community by actively engaging students, staff and parents.


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Mosman Public School's Sustainability Pledge

We aim:

  • to develop an environmentally concious culture at Mosman Public School;
  • to reduce the amount of energy we consume through smarter practices and greater efficiency as well as working towards using sustainable energy sources;
  • to minimize landfill waste and increase the percentage of material that is reused, recycled and composted;
  • to deliver curriculum that will incorperatee elements of sustainability ay all year levels;
  • to engage the daily sustainable practices that incorperate environmentally friendly behaviours by utilising systems (eg recycling bins, stangby/shutdown mode);
  • to lead the community by demonstrationg best practices in purchasing; waste management, energy use, water use and over time develop the school grounds to promote biodiversity.


Mosman Public School Sustainability Focus


  • the school will implement a hands-on approach to promote sustainability at each year level (eg composting, clean-ups, worm farm, garden club);
  • school events will encourage partners and sponosors to align with our school's environmantal focus (eg Mini-Mos, art-fest); and
  • the school will support our active sustainability team and clubs that involve school staff, parents and students.


  • undertakeenergy audits  to gather information about energy usage and identify areas for improvement;
  • promote sustainable transport (eg walk to school or bus);
  • use resources and equipment as efficiently as possible (have student power rangers to check all lights/computers/air conditioners are turned off before leaving classrooms for lunch/afternoon tea/end of day and keeping doors and windows closed when artificially heating or cooling a space);
  • use battery-powered yard tools; and 
  • increase the use of sustainable energy (eg solar).


  • undertake waste and litter audits to gather information about and identify areas for improvement;
  • include the whole school community in the process of developing a Waste Wise school through the principles "Rethink, Refuse, Reduce, Reuse and Recycle";
  • minimise landfill waste and maximise recycling and composting (eg nude lunches, recycling bins, worm farms; minimize packaging in the canteen); and
  • maintian a little-free school environment with daily emu parades by students.


  • educate students on the importance of water as a precious natural resouce and the natural processes (eg drought and floods) affecting the communities;
  • becoming Water Wise turning offtaps and bubblers;
  • integrate tank water to the toilet flushing system [Myahgah student toilets]; and
  • encourage the use of reusable water bottles gifted to students to refill at school.


  • enhance the school garden program;
  • increase biodiversity in the school yard to support local fauna (eg landscaping and trees to lower temps and provide shade); and 
  • encourage an appreciation of the natural environment through learnign experiences (eg excursions and clubs).


  • purchase environmentally-friendly paper for printers and copiers;
  • purchase environmentally-friendly alternatives for items like toilet paper, hand towels, tiisues, serviettes, cutlery; and
  • use more environmentally-friendly products for cleaning (eg phosphate-free).

Flattening the climate change curve: What every parent needs to know

Climate change will impact our children's lives and careers more than anything else. MPS student, staff and parents are starting to take action to reduce our environmental impact and incorperate sustainabilty in our activities. In response to multiple requests, members of the Sustainability Team have recorded and 18-mintue presentation, which covers:
  • How to explain climate change to your children
  • How sustainability actions have educational, financial  and environmental benefits for our school
  • Projects underway at Mosman Public School and what you can do


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To accompany the presentation, watch out in the weekly reminder for the top 10 tips that your family can do to reduce your own emissions at home.

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